Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Two years ago, I moved from my hometown in rural east-central Indiana [read: nothing exciting occurs aside from the occasional high school basketball game, or things like the grocery store running out of milk and bread because there's a snowstorm coming.] to the buckle of the Bible Belt: Music City itself, Nashville, Tennessee.

Since moving to Nashville, I often seem to find myself in the most curious of situations. You know, the kind of things that only happen in movies.

…or on The Office, immediately followed by one of those classic Jim faces.

The absurdity of events in my everyday life, coupled with the fact that people frequently suggest that I write a book, and enhanced by my mega friend-crush on Allie Brosh, has brought me--nay, us--here today. To this blog. To this mutual point in cyberspace.

And so here we sit. Preparing our hearts and minds for a series of fireside chats, if you will. Fireside chats that have nothing to do with anything of large-scale consequence, but rather, are about the delightfully uncomfortable and strange happenstance of human condition.

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